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Company Corner

This is the weekly schedule for all members of the Company Division. Schedule is subject to change. ​



Dress Code*

Hair: Up in a bun or neatly secured for all classes and rehearsals unless instructed otherwise. No claw clips (especially during partnering). 

Leotards: Any style, color, or pattern.

Tights/Shoes: Flesh-colored or pink footed/convertible tights. When wearing pointe shoes, tights should be worn in your shoes, unless your shoes do not match the color of your tights. No cut off tights should be worn during classes during the school year. Black tights may be worn for rehearsals, but not classes or warm ups. Pointe shoes MUST have ribbons for performances. 

Skirts: May be worn for during partnering class and rehearsals, but not during warm up or ballet technique classes unless there is a special reason and you have asked permission. 

Shorts: Must be short, solid color, and very fitted. No shorts that are baggy, athletic style, have stripes, or logos. 

Jewelry & Nails: Small earrings acceptable, but try to keep jewelry to a minimum for safety and lines. Please do not have extremely long nails (especially for partnering). 


*Alumni are exempt from dress code and may choose what to wear to classes. â€‹


!Dancers-Please Read

Please visit
Watch Siren Songs. If you are interested in being considered for one of the parts in this ballet-learn the second movement. This is the one where all 5 dancers are dancing together. 

We also will be setting Greg Dawson's piece. We will be having auditions for the lead roles in this piece. I will reach out to you individually if I am considering you. But even if you don't hear from me, I will definitely consider you. Especially if you take the time to learn on your own. 

Listed below are some sections to learn on your own. We will eventually be working together to teach it, but after I have considered you for parts. 
Anna, Helena, and myself will be teaching you. Greg Dawson will be here to work with you. This is VERY exciting. 


2:09-3:30 is the main lead(Anna Kumpos original and Helena dancing on video)


3:30-4:13 2nd lead 

4:13-4:35 Duet Lead


3:42-4:12 Main Lead, 2nd Lead, and two more people. 


Spring Repertoire Dates
March 20 (Dress)
March 21 7:00 Performance 
March 22 1:00 Performance 
Lakes High School Theatre 

Monday, Jan 13

6:00-7:30 Class
7:30-9:00 Small studio rehearsal with Amanda
Elise (Leah understudy)
Olivia (Ellie understudy)
Lois (Wisdom understudy)
Raedyn, Sydney, Sophia Hall, Anna, Audrey, Caroline 
If your name is not listed, you are free to go home. You are also encouraged to stay and understudy! 
7:30-9:30 Corpo Rehearsal with Casey Heard


Tuesday, Jan 14

5:00-6:30 Apprentices/boys take early class with Level 6
6:30-8:30 Rehearsal with Amanda in small studio
6:30-9:00 Corpo rehearsal with Casey Heard


Wed, Jan 15

6:00-7:30 Class

7:30-9 Rehearsal with Amanda
7:30-9:00 Corpo rehearsal with Casey Heard. 


Thursday, Jan 16

6:30-8:00 Class
8:00-9:00 Run thru Siren Songs, Amanda's, Greg Dawson's with certain people. If you have been learning any of his choreography, I will want to see you!

Saturday, Jan 18

1:00-2:30 Class
2:40-4:30 Rehearsal (will update which piece we will be rehearsing) 

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