Corpo is a group of distinguished dancers who have been called together to create, perform, and contribute to the dance scene in Tacoma, WA. This group is a separate, yet connected entity of Metropolitan Ballet of Tacoma. Connected in that Corpo uses the MBT studios for rehearsals and includes many former alumni of MBT. The dancers are all adult and have previous dance education and performing experience, from recreational to professional.
If you have found yourself on this page, the rehearsal and class schedule is not to be confused with any programs, classes, or performances that are a part of Metropolitan Ballet of Tacoma school and company divisions. If you are interested in learning more about this new dance group, please email Damaris Caughlan at mbtdirector@live.com.
Corpo Corner
Hello Artists!
Some important things for you to be aware of. I would greatly appreciate your acknowledgment that you read all this.
Day of Dance Fund Raiser
This is NEXT Saturday! Please participate in this if you are able. We need to raise money for theatre costs. Please see homepage or text me if you have questions.
Casey Heard will be back in town from Feb 27-MArch 16. This will overlap with Greg Dawson.
I am hoping you can be available to rehearse with Casey on Saturday, March 1 in the afternoon and Thursday, March 6 in the evening.
Greg Dawson will be here March 9-15.
If you are interested in being cast, availability is very important. Please let me know your specific availability!
Monday March 10
Tuesday March 11
Thursday March 13
Saturday, March 15
1:00 -? This will likely be shared rehearsal time with the company dancers.
Corpo Fundraiser
Disco at the Dance Studio
Saturday, May 31
7:30 PM
More details to come. Would love your input.
A) Adult evening? Alcohol?
B) More family friendly?
C) Other ideas?
Corpo Photo Shoot
June 6
Corpo Performances
At this time, due to spacing issues, I have reserved the Lakes HS Performing Arts Center. Sadly, I just think that Norton Clapp at UPS is too limited with the size of the stage.
June 25-28 are days I have blocked out and reserved at Lakes.
Friday, June 27 7:30 PM
Saturday, June 28 TBD